K-rebar for Beam and slab detailing

K-rebar: Beam and slab detailing in AutoCAD Made Easy

March 4, 2021

K-rebar is an AutoCAD VBA  tool for reinforced concrete beam , slab detailing and  auto-generated bending schedule. This tools is an extension to KBeamDetailing  posted previously.

Program features:

  • Add rebar shape
  •  Rebar labeling
  • Auto-generated bending schedule
  • Export bending schedule to Excel
  • Query bar details(quantity, length, bar mark etc...)
  • Exclude bar from bending schedule.
  • And more

How to install K-rebar:

Unzip the downloaded zip file and save it on your C:/ drive (Very important ) and  load KrebarVBA and KRebarLISP  files from the downloaded zip folder.

How to load VBA application in AutoCAD:

    • Step 1 & 2   In AutoCAD, go to Manage >Load application
      auHow to load VBA application in AutoCAD Step 1 and 2 

      • Step 3  In the new dialog box, locate the startup suite and click on Contents
        How to load VBA application in AutoCAD Step 3
      • Step 4 Click Add to open files directory

How to load VBA application in AutoCAD Step 4

  • Step 5  Browse to your file location and load them. In this case, locate Krebar.dvb and Krebar.lisp

How to load VBA application in AutoCAD Step 5

At this point K-rebar is ready for use, but you need to load the Krebar.cuix file to have access to custom ribbon buttons.

To load krebar.cuix, enter CUILOAD in AutoCAD command line and click Enter. Browse to krebar folder and select krebar.cuix file. Click Open. You will see the file name and path in the file name box. Click load  and you Krebar will appear in the Loaded Customization Groups lisbox. Close the dialog box and that is it!

How to load CUIX file in AutoCAD

Krebar Ribbon and toolbar


Keyboard commands:

        • KRAddREBAR to call the Userform
        • KRBL for bar labels
        • KRBS to add bars to beam section
        • KRBSC to generate bending schedule
        • KREFRESH to refresh and update
        • KRExP to export bending schedule to excel
        • RkDetails Shows details of selected rebar

How to use K-rebar:

Watch the video tutorials:

Note that if you have AutoCAD 2010 or a newer version, you will have to download and install VBA module of your AutoCAD, otherwise the above program will not work. 

  • Version 1.0.0
  • Download 25903
  • File Size 1 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date March 4, 2021
  • Last Updated September 4, 2021

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26 thoughts on “K-rebar: Beam and slab detailing in AutoCAD Made Easy”

  1. I Rodrigue

    I am so excited to see your K-rebar app.

    I want to try it out and will happily donate but i cannot seem to find the download link or it just don’t want to download.

    Can you help?

    1. Hi Daan,
      Are you not able to download from the green download button provided?
      If you are having problem, please try from different browser.

      Please let me know if you managed to download.


  2. Hi Rodrigue
    I eventually succeeded in downloading.
    I did the installation but keep getting this message when i want to load a bar

    microsoft Visual Basic
    ( run time error 76)
    Path not found

    I have unzipped the file and saved it on my
    c-drive in the cad folder

    Can you help me?

          1. Hi Ondrej,
            Please make sure you save the below files on your C:/ drive.
            _ Icon folder
            and follow the steps as indicated.

  3. Blessing Kudzionera

    Hi Rodrigue,

    The application is not working on my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2022. It’s constantly giving me runtime errors for whatever command I give.

  4. HELLO

  5. Finding it difficult to install, can u pls make an installation video to help, i saw the first one u made and am still a little puzzled, thank u

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