January 31, 2021
VBA sample code to send command from Excel to AutoCAD to draw a rectangle.
Option Explicit Sub DrawRectange() Dim AutocadApp As Object Dim SectionCoord(0 To 9) As Double Dim Topbar As Integer Dim BottomBar As Integer Dim Cover As Integer Dim Rectang As Object Dim ActDoc As Object Dim InsertP(2) As Double Dim CirObj As Object Dim i As Long '****** Launch Autocad application**** On Error Resume Next Set AutocadApp = GetObject(, "Autocad.application") On Error GoTo 0 If AutocadApp Is Nothing Then Set AutocadApp = CreateObject("Autocad.application") AutocadApp.Visible = True End If ''****Read Input**** SectionCoord(0) = 0: SectionCoord(1) = 0 SectionCoord(2) = ActiveSheet.Range("f5").Value: SectionCoord(3) = 0 SectionCoord(4) = ActiveSheet.Range("f5").Value: SectionCoord(5) = ActiveSheet.Range("f6").Value SectionCoord(6) = 0: SectionCoord(7) = ActiveSheet.Range("f6").Value SectionCoord(8) = 0: SectionCoord(9) = 0 Topbar = ActiveSheet.Range("f8").Value BottomBar = ActiveSheet.Range("f9").Value Cover = ActiveSheet.Range("f10").Value ''****Draw rectangle**** Set ActDoc = AutocadApp.ActiveDocument If ActDoc Is Nothing Then Set ActDoc = AutocadApp.Documents.Add End If Set Rectang = ActDoc.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(SectionCoord) AutocadApp.ZoomExtents Set AutocadApp = Nothing Set ActDoc = Nothing Set Rectang = Nothing End Sub
How to use this program?
Watch video tutorial HERE ON YouTube
See beam detailing from Excel here
See this post on how to draw beam section in AutoCAD from Excel here
- Version 1.0.0
- Download 35302
- File Size 23 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date January 31, 2021
- Last Updated November 17, 2021
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SendCommandTo Autocad Excel VBA.zip | Download |
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Hi, very intresting thing to create rectangle by vba. But I have a question, how using vba create rectangle with Mtext inside into rectagle and after creation move them or put them in place by my coordinates which are into excel file. For example: I have an excel file which contained 10 different Text, dimentions of rectangle, coordinaties value for rectangle with text I have to put. I gess i need to use some loop for my 10 examples but I don’t know how i can to combined all those things in to vba code. If you can help me, this is will be awsome. Thanks