Bricks Calculator Bricks Calculator Length (m) * Length of wall Height (m) * Height of wall Select type of brick * 222 x 106 x 73 Common stock brick190 x 90 x 90 BS190390 x 90 x 190 M90 Block390 x 140 x 190 M140 Block390 x 190 x 190 M190 Block Area (m2) Calculated wall Area Number of Brick (no.) Calculated number of bricks Number of Brick (no.) Calculated number of bricks Number of Brick (no.) Calculated number of bricks Number of Brick (no.) Calculated number of bricks Number of Brick (no.) Calculated number of bricks Sand (m3) The volume of sand required Sand (m3) The volume of sand required Sand (m3) The volume of sand required Sand (m3) The volume of sand required Sand (m3) The volume of sand required Cement (Bag 50kg) Number of cement bags required Cement (Bag 50kg) Number of cement bags required Cement (Bag 50kg) Number of cement bags required Cement (Bag 50kg) Number of cement bags required Cement (Bag 50kg) Number of cement bags required NB: While all information in the calculator is supplied in good faith, no liability can be accepted by team as actual use is beyond its control. Remember to add 5% wastage to your quantities. If you are human, leave this field blank. Exit Δ